Monday, September 12, 2016

Response to: How to ruin a great design

After finishing up the article I can now see why traffic in Britain is so crazy and unsafe. I find it amazing how just a design on a sign can throw off all of traffic in Britain and cause chaos on the roadways. when it comes to designs for a company they should do as an old quote once said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If many companies decided to go by that quote there would be less backlash from potential customers and more money in their pockets. Overall i found this article by The New York Times to be rather interesting.

Response to Niels Diffrient: Rethinking the way we sit

While watching this ted talk there were many well talked about points that Mr. Diffrient spoke of, For example the way he discussed how with working with planes you need to have the education on air and other factors before you even start. Once he transitioned from airplanes into office seats i began to see the connection, many things that you'll find yourself thinking about also have many things linked to them that you need to learn first. Overall i enjoyed the Ted talk and pulled a lot of things out of it.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Some kinda school thing

Sup, This is my school blog

What is your computer experience?
My computer experience is sorta advanced i learned a lot from my grandfather such as building a computer and such.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I know more than basics when it comes to photo shop and illustrator. I've had a class where I've learned things about the program my senior year in highschool school. its been awhile since I've done any work with the programs so I am rusty.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
Yes, I do have a computer at home, but i do not currently own illustrator or photoshop

What is your major ?
My major is Graphic Design

What do you hope to get out of this class?
The main thing I hope to get out of this class is to be able to learn the basics again and father advance my learning

Who is your favorite artist?
Even though I don't really know much about artists I'll just say my favorite artist is Leonardo Da Vinci

Who is your favorite musician?
My favorite musician is Kevin Jordan from a band called This Wild Life

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
Something interesting about myself is that I've played soccer for fourteen years

Write a five line story?
so This kid Ryan decided that he wanted to show up to class today instead of staying at home like a complete loser. When Ryan made his way over to school he was listening to A Day To Remember. Once this guy Ryan finally made the long walk over to the CIM building he really wanted some water but alas there was none to be found. So our thirsty hero made his way into the class room full of a bunch of other students a took a seat. Ryan faced a problem when his professor made him stand and talk out loud to everyone in the room. In the end he pulled through and now here he is sitting at the computer typing a lame story for no one to read. Great job Ryan
